In the end, using our services will not cost you anything, it will save you money and we will explain why.
Our objective ? Fees largely compensated!
My role having a knowledge of the Hebrew language, the Israeli market, the Israeli mentality as well as years of experience of negotiations in various commercial fields .All these allow me today to obtain a much better price for the buying your apartment. Than you could get by yourself or by using a Real Estate agency! he has every interest in selling at a higher price the property oft her client . What would you do if you are the seller and not the buyer?
It will cost you with
a conventional agency between 2% of the purchase price and it will be able only to present you a part of the available proprety , those in its portfolio , and it must also defend the interests of its clients. Who have entrusted them with their property and therefore does not have much interest in lowering the sale price! Bad for his client and bad for his commission….
Unlike me who pledges to defend only your interests! And asks you for an amount fixed in advance – payable in stages and well below this 2%.
(Agencies + Individuals + Promoters)
Know that here in Israel most individuals prefer to sell or rent without agencies, if we find a property outside an agency this represents for you a saving of 2% of the value of the property !!!
If, on the other hand, we find a good through an agency, our intervention will be included and deducted from the 2%. In short, in no case will you pay 2x or more.
Because you are not there, you cannot know which are the serious promoters and which are not. Nor all the essential closings that must be in a purchase contract. Israel is not Europe. Most English-speaking people use an English-speaking lawyer. By forgetting the most important thing is not that he speaks excellent English but that he is above all an excellent lawyer, honest and not the promoter’s lawyer. It is understood that the two are not incompatible. But to find a good lawyer you have to taste a hundred, says the proverb. In other words, it is best to have someone on site capable of providing you with information in all areas . We help you before, during, and after.
We’re doing various checks
, a neighborhood study, and so much more. We don’t limit ourselves to renting or selling you an apartment.
This is what is called after-sales service, a concept that is getting lost everywhere these days and which is also rare here. Like the EL AL company slogan, we know you have the choice that there are thousands of possibilities . We want to make a difference by doing things differently for the customer. We know you are our best publicity!
We search for you in several places and cities in Israel, we save you time and avoid you a maximum of unnecessary trips and hassles, which represents an additional and incalculable peace of mind and financial gain.